Monday, 13 September 2010

Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief

Synopsis -

My name is Percy Jackson. Until a few months ago I was at a private school for troubled kids in New York. Am I troubled kid? You could say that...

Does six schools in six years count as troubled? Does finding out that the Greek gods are alive and living in America count as troubled? Does being no.1 on their hit list count as troubled? And does discovering that you're the only half-blood alive who can stop a war fo the gods count as troubled?

If Percy fails in his quest, forget trouble - there's going to be Hades to pay...

Review -

Totally a cool book! It's about an American boy that finds out that his father is a Greek god and that all the myths around the gods are true! I also liked that Percy's dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder were put down to his subconscious familiarity with ancient Greek and his need to be ever ready to fight off hoards of deadly monsters.

Verdict - 4 out of 5

Defintely going to read the rest of the series.

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